Steel Valley Middle School News
Please see the following letter from Superintendent Bryan M. Macuga, sent to families and staff on February 3, 2025.
What would happen if you told a Shakespeare classic in the rhythmic style of Dr. Seuss? "The Seussification of Romeo & Juliet" takes the iconic dramatic love story and gives it a different spin, creating a tale laced with humor and memorable lines. The Steel Valley Middle School Drama Club opened its production of the one hour play on Thursday, January 23 and will continue performances on Friday, January 24 and Saturday, January 25.
Steel Valley Families & Staff: As we draw closer to the start of our winter holiday break, I've spent some time reflecting on the first half of the 2024-2025 school year. We have so much to truly celebrate as a District!
The Steel Valley Youth Basketball program is looking for boys currently in sixth grade who are interested in trying out for the middle school team next year. If your child is interested, please contact Dave Colasante at 412-628-3894.
Steel Valley students received a surprise Monday morning, as Citizens donated over 30 new musical instruments to the music program as part of its Sounds of Giving initiative. Citizens is donating $100,000 worth of instruments to schools in the area, and their campaign began Monday at Steel Valley High School.
The Steel Valley Music Department presented its Winter Concert featuring middle school and high school students on Friday, December 13. The festive show struck all the right notes as the Steel Valley community prepares for the holiday break.
The Steel Valley School District will have an early dismissal for all students on Friday, December 20 to kick off the winter break.
You are invited to the Steel Valley Winter Concert. Performance by the Middle & High School Band & Choruses on December 13 at 6:30 pm in the Steel Valley High School Auditorium.
Steel Valley High School students volunteered with Best of the Batch for their Batch-A-Toys Drive on November 25 & 26. They helped load, unload, sort, and organize the abundance of toys that have been donated.
The Steel Valley School District will have an Early Dismissal for students on Wednesday, November 27th
The Steel Valley High School's Chick-fil-A Leader Academy visited Park and Barrett Elementary Schools, where they distributed packs of books that were donated by Chick-fil-A.
Over 12 days in November, Barrett Elementary will be looking at various ways we can make a difference through giving. Each day, we will be highlighting a new way to give back. While we do have a day to celebrate each, donations for all days can be made any time from November 4th through November 27th.
Please help decorate GAVIN’S TREE in the SV High School lobby with donations of NEW mittens, hats & socks for students aged 5-18. Items will be distributed to children in our community in need. Drop off or ship items to: Steel Valley HS/Gavin’s Mittens 3113 Main Street Munhall PA 15120
Please see the following letter from superintendent Bryan M. Macuga regarding a potential Flexible Instruction Day on November 6, 2024.
It truly felt like fall during our PBIS Fall Fest on Thursday, Oct. 30! Each grade had an opportunity to enjoy some time outside in the sunny but crisp fresh air to go through some activities set up by our PBIS team.
Our Caring Closet has been up and running and is in desperate need.
NOTICE: The Steel Valley School District Board of Directors rescheduled the December 2nd Worksession (Reorganization) Meeting to December 3rd
Construction is officially underway on Steel Valley Elementary. The state-of-the-art building will unite Steel Valley School District’s kindergarten through fifth grade students under one roof for the first time in district history. The district celebrated the official start of construction on the project with a groundbreaking ceremony on Thursday, September 26. Current elementary students from Barrett and Park joined administrators and school board members to dig their shovels into the ground and kick off the project.
Steel Valley School District Superintendent Mr. Bryan M. Macuga sent home the following letter on September 12, 2024, informing families of a routine safety sweep conducted at the high school and middle school.
The Caring Closet is in need of items. If you are interested in giving please send all donations directly to the High School C/O Ryan Dunmire 3113 Main Street, Munhall, PA 15120
The Steel Valley School District has partnered with the Pathways Wellness Program to offer students and families an immunization and flu shot clinic on Tuesday, September 24 from 1 p.m. to 2:55 p.m. at the high school. Scan the QR code to register or visit
Steel Valley Middle School and High School students will have an early dismissal on Friday, September 6 due to on-going repairs to the chiller on the secondary campus.
As a collaboration between UPMC Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, and Ronald McDonald House Charities of Pittsburgh and Morgantown, Inc., the Care Mobile offers no out-of-pocket cost medical care to children throughout Pittsburgh and the surrounding areas. The Care Mobile will be at Steel Valley High School
Due to mechanical issues with the HVAC system on the secondary campus, Steel Valley High School and Middle School students will have an abbreviated schedule for Thursday, August 29 and will have remote learning for Friday, August 30. Please take a moment to read the following letter from Superintendent Bryan M. Macuga for more details.
Steel Valley Middle School staff welcomed fifth graders into the building on Thursday, August 22 for Transition Day. This annual event enables fifth grade students to learn about life in middle school without having to worry about trying to find their way amidst the rest of the student body.