School Registration

Welcome to the Steel Valley School District, where our mission is to prepare all children for success. We are proud to serve our community and support our families.

Enrollment Documents

Kindergarten registration for the 2024-2025 school year is open. Children must be five-years-old on or before September 1, 2024 to attend kindergarten. To enroll your child, regardless of their grade, please complete the documents below.

  1. PreK-12 Enrollment Packet [PDF]
  2. Home Language Survey [PDF]
  3. Student Residency Questionnaire (All Students) [PDF]
  4. Health Requirements for Kindergarten Registration [PDF]
  5. Health Requirements For Grades 1-12 [PDF]
  6. Physical Form (required for K, 6, 11 only) [PDF]
  7. School Eye Evaluation Form (K only) [PDF]
  8. Proof of Residence Board Policy [PDF]
  9. Dress and Grooming Board Policy [PDF]
  10. Act 117 Parental Education of Type 1 Diabetes
  • Number 1 must be printed out, completed, scanned and returned to Tiffany Vranick at or mailed back to Tiffany Vranick, 220 E Oliver Rd., Munhall, PA 15120
  • Numbers 6 and 7 will have to be printed and completed by the Physician and then returned 

Paper copies of the enrollment forms are available in the Elementary School Offices or by calling Tiffany Vranick at 412-464-3600 Ext. 2700.

Questions?  No problem!  Contact us!

Barrett Elementary School – Alyson Fisher at or
Park Elementary School – Brandi Chalus at

We look forward to meeting you.

Kindergarten Readiness Skills (LHSD WQED PBS Passport to Kindergarten Readiness Checklist) [PDF]


Tiffany Vranick

412-464-3600 x2700