Park Elementary School

A photo of Park Elementary. The multi-story yellow brick building sits on a green hill with a leafy tree in front.


4102 Main Street
Munhall, PA 15120
Phone: 412.464.3600 x4500
FAX:  412-464-3661 

Dr. Thomas Shaughnessy
Park Elemenetary Principal
412.464.3600 x4505

Brandi Chalus
Park Elementary Counselor
412.464.3600 x4521

Park Elementary is a high-performing neighborhood school serving over 350 kindergarten through fourth grade students from Munhall, West Homestead, and Homestead.  Park students are respectful and kind, and they love coming to school!  Students are fortunate to be supported by an extremely active and engaged PTO, and Park offers a number of well attended after school enrichment activities that support academic and physical development.  All Park students are eligible for free breakfast and lunch.  Teachers and staff are committed to continuously improving, and three teacher-led teams drive the school’s improvement efforts. 


Park Elementary is the only school in Allegheny County that has been asked to support site visits for educational leaders working towards Advanced Credentials through the Pennsylvania Department of Education.  Experienced educational leaders will have a chance to take a look at our high-performing school as they work to take their schools to the next level.  Park Elementary is a special place, and our school community has much to be proud of!

Group of excited children



Student Achievement

At Park Elementary, we have high expectations for our students, and they learn a lot! Emphasis is placed on helping every student show greater-than-expected growth over the course of the school year.


Students work hard in school, and learn a lot!



School Culture

Park Elementary School’s School Wide Positive Behavior Support Program (SWPBS) was formally recognized by the state in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023.  The school received a perfect score on our last comprehensive state evaluation that focused on school culture, student behavior, school safety, and communication.  


Students work together to solve a problem



21st Century Skills

Park Elementary has been recognized as an Apple Distinguished School!  Apple Distinguished Schools are centers of innovation, leadership, and educational excellence that use Apple products to inspire creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking.  They showcase innovative uses of technology in learning, teaching, and the school environment and have documented results of academic accomplishment.

Park has also formed a long-term partnership with the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust, and all students have the oppertunity to work with visiting artists over the course an 8-12 week unit.  Artists work closely with classroom teachers to reinforce concepts that are being taught in core-subjects.  



Students work together on challenging tasks




School Safety

Student safety is extremely important to the teachers and staff at Park Elementary School, and the school regularly conducts drills to make sure everyone is as prepared as possible for an emergency.  


Park students love Fire Safety Day!