Steel Valley Middle School News

Care Mobile

Care Mobile

August 22, 2024

As a collaboration between UPMC Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, and Ronald McDonald House Charities of Pittsburgh and Morgantown, Inc., the Care Mobile offers no out-of-pocket cost medical care to children throughout Pittsburgh and the surrounding areas. The Care Mobile will be at Steel Valley High School - August 29th (9:30 am - 2:00 pm).

New staff tour the district buildings

New Steel Valley School District employees went through their orientation on Friday, August 16. The second half of the day was devoted to a new component to orientation – a tour of the district and the community.

A flyer advertising the information about the basketball league

Steel Valley Youth Basketball is hoping to join the White Oak basketball league this winter to help our young boys and girls develop their basketball skills. We need volunteers with organizational skills to launch this fantastic opportunity.

Meet the Principal Nights Dates

The Steel Valley School District would like to invite parents and students to join us for our Meet the Principal Nights as we get ready for the school year.

Olando Dulin presents award to Naomi Barnes

Congratulations to Steel Valley Middle School student Naomi Barnes, who earned first place in Duquesne University's Juneteenth Short Essay Contest.

A rendering of the new elementary school main entrance

The Steel Valley School District is thrilled to announce the construction of a new elementary school that will bring the district’s elementary students together for the first time and unite the entire K-12 student body on one campus. The Steel Valley School District Board of Directors formally approved the motion to award the general construction contract to Pittsburgh-based Rycon Construction, Inc. during its board meeting on Thursday, June 20. Construction is tentatively expected to be completed in August 2026 in time for the beginning of the 2026-27 school year.

Summer EBT Program

Summer Program

June 17, 2024

A new program called Summer EBT, or “SUN Bucks,” has been authorized by a bipartisan U.S. Congress to provide food dollars to low-income families with school-aged children over the summer months. For the summer of 2024, a household will receive $120 Summer EBT/SUN Bucks benefit (which equals $40 for each summer month) for every eligible child in the household. If multiple eligible students are in a household, the benefit will be combined into one issuance amount. The benefit will be issued to the family’s existing state EBT card (for SNAP or TANF) or on a new SUN Bucks card that is mailed, in most cases, to the household contact and address DHS has on file for that household.



Two students perform on stage

The Steel Valley Middle School Drama Club was busy the last couple of months preparing a short program of scenes and monologues. On Thursday afternoon, they showcased those scenes during a brief performance in front of family and friends in the auditorium.

The fifth and sixth grade choir performs

Tuesday night was the second half of the spring concert series at the high school and middle school. This time it was the chance for the fifth and sixth graders to shine and showcase how they've progressed over the past year.

Fourth graders walk down a school hallway on a tour

With less than two weeks left in the school year, fourth graders from Barrett Elementary and Park Elementary received a glimpse of what next year holds in store for them through the district's annual Step Up Day.

Letter home about iPad collection.

Middle school and high school students in grades 5 through 11 should return their district iPads on the specific days listed below. Please take a moment to read this letter that details the process to properly return this equipment.

The Middle School Forge Voices perform

The Steel Valley Music Department presented its spring program on Wednesday, May 8 in the Steel Valley High School auditorium. The evening featured the 7th-12th grade band, the Steel Valley Middle School Forge Voices, and the Steel Valley High School Concert Choir.

The SV logo

Please take a moment to read this letter from Superintendent Bryan M. Macuga that was sent home to district families on Thursday, May 9, 2024.

A digital representation of constellation Sagittarius

The Technical & Informational Science Department offers some pretty great electives at Steel Valley High School! Courses include Graphic Design, Coding & Application Design, 3D Design, Architectural Design, Robotics, Home Maintenance, and Entrepreneurship & Marketing. In addition, a Career & Technology course is a required course for all freshmen for the Chapter 339 Career & Technical Information Portfolio. Take a look at some of the projects students have completed recently.


May 3, 2024

The Steel Valley School District Board of Directors rescheduled the June 24th and June 27th meetings to June 17th and June 20th in the Senior High School Library. The Worksession Meeting on June 17th will start at 7:30 pm and the Voting Meeting on June 20th will start at 7:00 pm.  The public may attend the meeting in-person.

An image of a letter announcing an FID day

Wednesday, May 1, 2024 will now be a Flexible Instruction Day (FID) This afternoon, the District was notified by Pennsylvania American Water that work would be done on the water lines beneath Main Street in Munhall. During this time, there will be no water in our District buildings.

Teachers get pies in the face from students on stage

To help our students have some fun before PSSA testing starts next week, the middle school held a PSSA "Prep Rally" Friday afternoon.



Caring Closet

The Caring Closet is in need of items. If you are interested in giving please send all donations directly to the High School C/O Ryan Dunmire 3113 Main Street, Munhall, PA 15120 OR you can drop your donations off to Nurse Thomas during school hours 8am-2:50 pm Monday-Friday.

Students at Reading Reading Pittsburgh

Sixth graders made the short trek down to the new Reading Ready Pittsburgh store on 8th Avenue in Homestead on Friday, April 12.

Steel Valley logo

In continued efforts to stress the importance of being in school and on time, the Steel Valley School District will now provide same-day contact to the primary parent or guardian through three methods: telephone call, text message, and email. The absentee and tardy messaging system will be effective starting April 2, 2024.

A scene from Matilda: The Musical

The Steel Valley High School Drama Club is excited to present its production of Roald Dahl’s “Matilda: The Musical” as its spring production. You have two more opportunities to catch the show: Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. Tickets are $10 and can be purchased at the door or via

Pre-K enrollment flyer

The Steel Valley School District is excited to offer Pre-Kindergarten for the 2024-25 school year. Families must reside in the Steel Valley School District (Homestead, Munhall, and West Homestead) and the student must be 4-years-old on or before September 1, 2024.

Caring Closet

The Caring Closet is in need of items. If you are interested in giving please send all donations directly to the High School C/O Ryan Dunmire 3113 Main Street, Munhall, PA 15120 OR you can drop your donations off to Nurse Thomas during school hours 8am-2:50 pm Monday-Friday.