Transition Day introduces fifth graders to life in middle school

A teacher speaks with middle school students in a cafeteria

Hello, fifth grade!

Steel Valley Middle School staff welcomed fifth graders into the building on Thursday, August 22 for Transition Day. This annual event enables fifth grade students to learn about life in middle school without having to worry about trying to find their way amidst the rest of the student body.

Principal Mr. Clay Stone and the teachers walked the students through what their typical day will be like, including introductions to their homerooms and meeting their other teachers. Student learned about their class rotations and received paper copies of their schedules so they know where they have to be in each period.

They also had a chance to learn about specials like art, music, technology, and more, as well as the basics like finding their lockers and just learning the layout of the middle school portion.

Making the jump from elementary school to middle school can be a bit overwhelming. Transition Day is designed to help settle some nerves and allow students to make some early connections that will help guide them through the school year.

All middle school students will report Friday, August 23 for the first full day of school. Doors will open for middle school students at 8:12. Free breakfast will be served until 8:32. Dismissal will begin at 3:15.

A teacher speaks with middle school students in a cafeteria

A middle school teacher goes through instructions with students

Students look over a schedule

Mr. Stone speaks to the fifth graders in the gym