Health Services

Barrett Elementary  
Leigh Harper BSN, RN, CSN – 412-464-3600
EXT 5530
Fax: 412-464-3632
Park Elementary  
Christie Barron, BSN, RN, CSN – 412-464-3600
EXT 4530
Fax: 412-464-3661
Middle and Senior High  
Amber Thomas MSN, RN, CSN – 412-464-3600
EXT 2530
Fax: 412-464-3609

Mandated School Health Requirements


The following are the minimum immunizations that are required for all students entering school for the first time.


  • 4 doses Tetanus, Diptheria, and acellular Pertussis (1 dose on or after the 4th birthday)
  • 4 doses Polio (1 dose on or after 4th birthday, and 6 months after previous dose given)
  • 2 doses Measles
  • 2 doses Mumps
  • 2 doses Rubella
  • 3 doses Hepatitis B
  • 2 doses Varicella - **or a written statement from physician/designee indicating month and year of disease or serologic proof of immunity

In addition to the requirements listed above, students in grades 7-12 are required to have the immunizations listed below. Please note that 7th grade students will not be permitted to start their 7th grade school year without completion of the Tdap and the 1st dose of MCV. Twelfth grade students will not be permitted to start their 12th grade school year without completion of the 2nd dose of the MCV.

  • 1 dose Tetanus/diphtheria/pertussis (Tdap)
  • 2 doses Meningitis vaccine (MCV)
**The Allegheny County Health Department offers free immunizations. Please call 412-578-8062 for information.

Exemptions to Immunization Regulations

Medical exemption - when the physical condition of the child is such that immunization would endanger life or health (requires physician's signature).

Religious exemption – when the parent/guardian adheres to a religious belief whose teachings are opposed to such immunizations (requires parent/guardian signature).

ACT 117- Parental Education of Type 1 Diabetes for Elementary and 6th Graders

A. Diabetes Parent Fact Sheet (PDF)

B. Type 1 Diabetes Parent Fact Sheet_Spanish (PDF)

B. Type one Diabetes Parent Mayo Clinic Fact Sheet

Physical Examinations

The school health law requires physical examinations for children entering school for the first time (Kindergarten or 1st grade) and in grades 6 and 11. 

Physical Examination of School Age Student [PDF]

Dental Examinations

All students entering school for the first time (Kindergarten or 1st grade) and in grades 3 and 7 are required by the State of Pennsylvania to have a dental examination. 

Dental Exam Form [PDF]

School Dental Consent Form [PDF]

The state recommends these exams be done by your private physician/dentist since they can best evaluate your child. If you would like the school physician/dentist to do the required exams please let your school nurse know at the beginning of the school year.


School Eye Evaluation Form (K only) [PDF]

Documentation of a vision screening and exam is required for all incoming kindergarten students. This can be done by either your PCP or eye doctor and must be completed within the last 12 months.


Before any type of medication (prescribed or OTC) can be dispensed at school we MUST have a signed order from your licensed physician and parent/guardian signed consent. Medication MUST be furnished to school personnel in the pharmaceutical container bearing student identification and instructions or administration as indicated by physician. No medication will be administered until both forms have been returned.

Other Health Forms:

Allergy Action Plan  [PDF]
Dietary Form [PDF]
Asthma Action Plan  [PDF]
Seizure Action Plan  [PDF]

Emoji with ice pack and thermometer

Steel Valley Logo

Let’s Stay Healthy
Making the Right Call
when your Child is Sick


Children of all ages work hard during the school day, and for an ill child, the energy required to complete the day is often not there.  Not only does this put your child at risk for prolonged illness, but it also puts the children around him/her at greater risk for becoming ill. For your child’s health and to prevent the spread of illness to others, it is important that your child remain at home until they have been free of any illness symptoms or until fever free for 24 hours without the use of any fever reducing medication.It is extremely important that you have someone available to pick your child up from school in the event they are ill.  Children ARE NOT permitted to remain in the health room the entire day due to illness. The Certified School Nurse is dedicated to promoting the health and wellness of all the students. Please see the following information to assist you in making an informed decision about your child. 

These are some reasons when your child should be kept at home:


  • Fever –  ((100° F (37.8°C)) – Child should remain at home until 24 hours fever free without fever-reducing medications. 
  • Nausea/Vomiting or Diarrhea – Children should be free of vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours before returning to school.
  • Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye – Children should be kept out of school until 24 hours after the start of the appropriate treatment or until physician certifies child as non-infectious.
  • Influenza (Flu) – Children should be fever free for 24 hours without the aid of a fever reducing medication.  Please consider cough status as well.  
  • Strep Throat – Children should be kept out of school until 24 hours after antibiotic is started.
  • Fifth’s Disease – Children should be kept out of school if fever is present.  Student can come to school with rash. 
  • Coronavirus (Covid 19 – Please continue to monitor your child for signs and symptoms of Covid 19 (Fever, Tiredness, Cough, Nasal Congestion, New loss of taste or smell). If they have any signs or symptoms, please keep them home and consult your healthcare provider. 
  • Acute cold and/or persistent cough – it is difficult for your child to concentrate with a constant cough and or nasal congestion. Please consider keeping child at home until cough and or congestion is under control.
  • Pediculosis (head lice) – Stay home at least until removal of all nits and completion of proper shampoo treatment. The school nurse must check your child before they can return to school.
  • Ring Worm  – Child may return to school immediately after first treatment. Body lesions that are not dried should be covered.
  • Impetigo – Child should stay home until sores are no longer draining
  • Norovirus –  Norovirus is a highly contagious virus. The Norovirus infection causes inflammation of the stomach and intestines. This leads to diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach pain. You are contagious from the moment they begin feeling sick and/or the first few days after recovery. Norovirus can stay on surfaces and objects and can still infect people for days or weeks
  • Chicken Pox (Varicella) – Children should be kept home until all vesicles have dried and crusted.

If you have any questions regarding whether or not your child should be kept home, please contact your school nurse.

Guidelines   [PDF]
Norovirus  [PDF]

CHIP Insurance

Pennsylvania's Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) has expanded to cover all uninsured kids and teens in Pennsylvania. Now, no family makes too much money to qualify for CHIP.

If you need health insurance, it's worth looking into CHIP. In fact, your kids may be able to continue visiting the same doctors! Coverage is available for doctor visits, immunizations, emergency care, prescriptions, dental, and eye care.

For more information, visit or call 1-800-986-KIDS.

Growth/Health Information


* Hearing screening - children in grades K-3, 7, and 11 are screened yearly.
* Scoliosis Screening – Students in grades 6-7 are screened in school each year. 
* BMI can be used as a tool to screen for weight categories that may lead to health problems. It should be considered a screening tool and not a definitive measure of your child's health. Your child health care provider is the best person to evaluate these measurements.


For more information:

USDA Food and Nutrition Services:

Health Resources

Mon Valley Air Quality 2019: 

Norovirus Norovirus (CDC)

Tick and Lyme Disease:  Information (CDC)

Understanding: Tick and Lime Disease

Beware of Ticks:  Questions & Lyme Disease

Understanding Tick and Lyme Disease - Flyer

Tick Removal Resource 2025 (PDF)

Tick Removal Resources 2025 Spanish (PDF)

Test Your Tick for Pathology 

How to Stop Bleeding

How to Stop Bleeding image

      How to Stop Bleeding


Hands on CPR

Hands on CPR image

          Hands on CPR


Spring has Sprung

Illness symptoms information for Allergy season


Vaping Associated Lung Illness

Device and Substance Visual Dictionary<br /> Severe Pulmonary Disease with E-cigarette Use

The Allegheny County Health Department (ACHD) is currently investigating 14 possible cases of severe lung disease associated with vaping (age range 17 to 31 years).   Nationally 530 confirmed and probable cases have been reported including 7 deaths as of Sept 17, 2019.  Reported symptoms associated with the illness include cough, shortness of breath, or chest pain; nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea; fatigue, fever, or weight loss.  Time from onset of illness to seeking care varies from a few days to several weeks.  Symptoms do not generally improve with antibiotics.  Most cases in Pennsylvania have been associated with vaping illicit products, primarily recreational marijuana or other THC products. 

If you suspect a case, please advise the child and parents to seek medical care as soon as possible.   For more information about the syndrome, call Pittsburgh Poison Control (1-800-222-1222) or ACHD (412-687-2243). 

CDC recommends that providers ask all patients with respiratory symptoms about their vaping habits as e-cigarette use is common among young people.  CDC data from 2018 indicate that 21% of high school students used e-cigarettes during the past 30 days.

Attached is some information on vaping products which may be helpful but we cannot verify accuracy (shared by a colleague).  Also here are links to some posters which might be useful:


Additional information

PA Department of Health press release:


PADOH Health Alert:


CDC outbreak information:


FDA website:


If you have any questions or concerns, please call ACHD at 412-687-2243.

Thank you.


LuAnn Brink, Ph.D.,

Chief Epidemiologist and 

Deputy Director

Allegheny County Health Department

Coronavirus Information

Allegheny County Services/Health-Department/COVID-19:

CDC Guidance:

Residents of Allegheny County need to be prepared for potential community spread of COVID-19.  Individuals should continue to help stop the spread of viruses, like the flu, by washing hands, covering coughs and sneezes, cleaning surfaces and staying home if sick.

Although COVID-19 is a different virus than influenza, similar prevention strategies can be effective.  You may also find the below information helpful:

Documents/Diseases and Conditions/Coronavirus.pdf 


Minutes Matter Pittsburgh

Are you looking for education on how you can save lives? Minutes Matter is a partnership between UPMC and the City of Pittsburgh that provides our community with access to basic emergency information and education about life saving interventions. They offer adult and pediatric first aid/CPR/AED/Stop the Bleed and other emergency trainings.  Please visit the website at for more information.