PowderPuff Highlights
The annual Steel Valley Powder Puff game between the junior and senior girls was held at William V. Campbell Field on September 25th. The senior team came out victorious in the game with a score of 40-0, but the juniors were able to claim victory in the pre-game tug of war. Here are some photos highlighting the game and some very special people that made the game possible! The Senior Powder Puff Team, the Junior Powder Puff Team, the Powder Puff Cheer Squad from left to right: Kwamaine Cash, Anthony DiGiannurio, Alex Caspar, Jacob Tinta, Jamison Mays, and the Student announcers from left to right: Jake Labishak, Terevon Harris, Class President John Tomasic, & Anthony Salopek
The Crowning of the PowderPuff King
Crowning a Powder Puff King has been an annual tradition at Steel Valley for a number of years. This student government service project raised funds for The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation this year. This year’s Steel Valley Powder Puff King is senior Anthony DiGiannurio. Anthony raised an amazing $1,088.44 for this service project.