The Steel Valley High School Class of 2028 is officially in the building!
Principal Mr. John Strom and the high school staff welcomed ninth graders on Thursday, August 22 as part of the annual Transition Day program.
The freshmen met with Mr. Strom to learn about the expectations at the high school and some of the resources and opportunities that are available to them. The bulk of the day was devoted to allowing the students to meet with all of their teachers as they rotated from department to department.
The ninth graders spent time with the English, Math, Science, and Social Studies departments, including the teachers they'll specifically have this year. They also met with teachers of electives like health, physical education, robotics, music, art, careers, and more. During each session, students not only learned a bit more about their subjects, but they also had a chance to do some activities, including team-bonding and communication challenges, quizzes, and games.
Transition Day is devoted to helping ninth graders learn more about the differences between middle school and high school, especially when it comes to having greater responsibility and accountability as they get older. It also allows for students to make early connections with their teachers away from the hustle and bustle of a typical first day.
All high school students will report for the first full day on Friday, August 23. Students may begin entering the building at 7:32 a.m. and must be in their first class by 7:55 a.m. Dismissal begins at 2:35 p.m. We look forward to seeing everyone!