Steel Valley Celebrates 2024 Spirit Week as Kylie Salopek is named Homecoming Queen

Homecoming and Spirit Week festivities reached a fever pitch on Friday, October 11 as Steel Valley capped the annual celebration with its fall sports pep rally for high school and middle school students, and then crowned a new Homecoming Queen at halftime of a dominant win over OLSH that evening.

Congratulations to Kylie Salopek, who was crowned as the 2024 Steel Valley Homecoming Queen at halftime of Friday night's game. Kylie was crowned by reigning queen Isabella Gardini, who returned to her alma mater to do the honors.

Kylie was escorted by Mason Watson. This year's court also included fourth runner-up Ashaunti Purifoy-Wilson, who was escorted by Houston Page; third runner-up Abigail Fitzgerald, who was escorted by Atreyu Convard; second runner-up Kamryn Hutching, who was escorted by Nate Yuhas; first runner-up Elaina Tichon, who was escorted by Christopher Burgman; Abigail Curran, who was escorted by Logan Thomas; Danille Curry, who was escorted by James Fletcher; Brooklynn Pielin, who was escorted by Drew Bird; Tori Stabryla, who was escorted by Connor Delu; and Delora Walker, who was escorted by Martaz Johnson.

During the pep rally earlier in the day, activities and athletics director Mr. Shawn McCallister recognized each middle school and fall sports program for their hard work this season. The cheerleaders and Steel Valley Marching Band got the students energized and excited to meet the 2024 Steel Valley Homecoming Court.

Each member of the court entered the gym with their escort and each pairing dug into their bag of creative tricks to add a flourish to their introduction. High school and middle school teachers and staff once again faced off against the seniors and fall sports captains in a best-of-three tug-of-war, but the faculty was no match for the students.

Enjoy some photos from the entire day of festivities in our gallery.