Park Principal Advisory Council

Dr. Shaughnessy and Counselor Chalus speak to a class

The Park Principal Advisory Council works hard to make the school a better place, and previous councils have done a ton of great work over the years.  From teaching lessons to kindergarteners to getting a bike rack installed in front of the school, each council works on one big project.  Students also provide suggestions related to simpler things that can be done to make the school a nicer place.  

Dr. Shaughnessy and Mrs. Chalus talked with the fourth graders today about serving on the council.  Interested students will now work on their applications and get recommendations from teachers and staff.

Students on the Council meet during lunch every other week with Mrs. Chalus and Dr. Shaughnessy.  The council follows an agenda and students have the chance to serve as notetakers, time keepers, and facilitators.  It's not just all hard work though - students on previous councils had a lot of fun, and Mrs. Chalus and Dr. Shaughnessy always look forward to the meetings.  We will keep you posted on the great things this year's Principal Advisory Council accomplishes!