Barrett welcomes Ms. Nina Kochanowicz to the staff

Ms. Kochanowicz works with a pair of students in her classroom

Barrett Elementary School would like to welcome Ms. Nina Kochanowicz, Ms. K, to our staff.  Ms. K attended the University of Pittsburgh where she earned a Bachelor of Science Applied Developmental Psychology and a Master’s in Education.  She is the Learning Support Teacher for grades 2, 3, and 4 at Barrett Elementary this year.  Outside of school, Ms. K. volunteers as a “cat cuddler” at the animal shelter each week.  She is a vegetarian and reports that she has never eaten meat.  Another interesting fact about Ms. K. is that her brother plays professional baseball for the Angels.  She reports that her favorite thing about teaching is when her students make themselves proud.  She and Ms. Amy, classroom para, are looking forward to a great year!