Steel Valley High School’s Gifted Support Teacher, Mr. Shawn McCallister took a group of students to Duquesne University’s Thomas R. Kline School of Law, where they took part in the day-long Future Voices of the People Program. These students, along with more than 100 other students from the Pittsburgh area participated in presentations led by Duquesne Kline School of Law faculty, interactive activities with current law school students and undergraduate Pre-Law students, and a law school tour.
The students also met proud Steel Valley alums Christine Woodburn and Crystal McCormick. Ms. Woodburn is the Assistant Director of Admissions for the Thomas R. Kline School of Law. Ms. McCormick is the Chief Diversity Officer and Senior Advisor to the President for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
Steel Valley's outstanding group of students won the Pre-Law Quiz Bowl and also took on major roles in a mock trial, with Yesi, Michaela, and Sara acting as jurors, Oli on the witness stand, and Geordell took on the role of defense attorney. The Honorable Elliott Howsie was the presiding judge and gave the students pointers on the differences between direct examination questions and cross examination questions. Each student also went home with a Duquesne Law School swag bag and a t-shirt.
“This was an amazing educational experience for our students. We are extremely grateful to have been invited to participate in the program”, said McCallister.
From left to right: Oli Wedig, Geordell Scott, Yesi Castillo,
Shawn McCallister, Sara Nguyen, Michaela Gratton, and
our Law Student Ambassador Shannen Cloherty.