Steel Valley School District Board of Directors approves construction of new elementary school, creation of unified campus

A rendering of the new elementary school main entrance

The Steel Valley School District is thrilled to announce the construction of a new elementary school that will bring the district’s elementary students together for the first time and unite the entire K-12 student body on one campus.

The Steel Valley School District Board of Directors formally approved the motion to award the general construction contract to Pittsburgh-based Rycon Construction, Inc. during its board meeting on Thursday, June 20. The vote is the culmination of a nearly three-year collaboration between the Steel Valley School District and Pittsburgh architecture firm DRAW Collective. The final project is a bright, modern elementary school equipped with the resources and versatility necessary to provide the creative, collaborative instruction that Steel Valley elementary students deserve.

“The creation of this new school will be a historic achievement for the Steel Valley School District. Bringing together two elementary schools and having all students, kindergarten through 12th grade, learning on one campus, will transform how education is delivered within our district for decades to come,” Steel Valley School District superintendent Mr. Bryan Macuga said. “As superintendent, this new school, this project, that carries our history and vision for the future, has been humbling, challenging, and an absolute honor.”

A view from Oliver Road of the new elementary school design

Steel Valley elementary students currently attend Barrett Elementary in Homestead and Park Elementary in Munhall. DRAW Collective conducted an extensive evaluation of both buildings, which were constructed prior to World War I. The firm and district leadership determined that there were significant barriers to the renovation or expansion of both buildings, and DRAW Collective began its initial schematic design process of a new school in July 2022.

Over the past two years, the district and DRAW Collective worked diligently with key stakeholders, including a Community Advisory Board and current elementary school teachers in the district, to incorporate their feedback into the design of the new building. The construction of a new school addresses long-standing educational, facility, and staffing inequities at the elementary level, enhances student and staff safety, and provides a 21st century learning environment that will equip students with the tools they need to thrive in middle school, high school, and beyond.

A rendering of the new school lobby

“I am excited that the Board of School Directors has approved the construction of a new single elementary school for the Steel Valley School District. This development will not only allow our students to learn together under one roof throughout their entire school career, but also enhance safety and security,” said board president Mr. James Bulger. “Additionally, it will provide a great working environment for our teachers and staff, ensuring the best possible educational experience for our community. Thank you to our partners at DRAW Collective for making the process transparent, easy to understand, and realistic for our end goals.”

The design provides flexible classroom space for an enrollment of approximately 690 students from kindergarten through fifth grade, allowing for targeted growth within the district. Each grade level has dedicated classrooms, along with specialized spaces for art, music, and STEM curriculum. The design incorporates spaces for autistic support, life skills, emotional support, and more, as well as for Title I reading and mathematics. A key component from the beginning was the creation of flexible spaces for small and large group learning, as well as community space that can be utilized outside of school hours.

A rendering of the wing of the new school

“We are very thrilled to approve the construction of this new facility for a multitude of reasons. While we certainly understand the financial implications, we feel that this is the best option to provide the most stability for our long-term capital investments,” board vice president Mr. Daniel Rojtas said. “Additionally, educating all of our elementary students in one building - and all of our students K-12 on one campus - will allow us to better appropriate resources and expand our programs to provide the best possible educational experience for our students. This new school will provide a much safer, more accessible and healthier environment for all of our students and staff, thus enhancing everyone’s ability to reach their full potential.”

The new elementary school will be built on the site of the district’s current administration offices, located in the former Franklin Primary at 220 E. Oliver Road in Munhall. The elementary campus will connect with the current Steel Valley Middle School/High School campus at 3113 Main Street in Munhall, providing the district with additional administrative and staff support capable of moving between the buildings as needed. Barrett Elementary, located at 221 East 12th Avenue in Homestead, will be repurposed by the district. Park Elementary, located at 4102 Main Street in Munhall, will be demolished and the property sold for redevelopment.

A kindergarten room in the new school

Construction on the project will begin with the demolition of Franklin Primary this summer and is tentatively expected to be completed in August 2026 in time for the beginning of the 2026-27 school year.

Please enjoy this model fly-through of the exterior of the school and surrounding environment created by district partners DRAW Collective, as well as additional renderings below.

An alternate look at the main entry

Another view of the exterior of the building

A rendering of the gymnasium in the new building

A computer lab in the new building

The corridor to the student wing

A look at the interior of the kindergarten area

A portal hallway in the new building with additional flexible learning space

A different view of the lobby of the new school