Introducing the Steel Valley Community Advisory Board

An image advertising for the Community Advisory Board

The Steel Valley School District is excited to announce the formation of a Community Advisory Board for the proposed construction of our new elementary school. This Community Advisory Board will play a pivotal role in providing valuable insights, perspectives, and recommendations throughout the planning and construction phases.


The primary objective of forming this Community Advisory Board is to foster collaboration, transparency, and inclusivity throughout the construction phases of the new elementary
school. By engaging diverse stakeholders, including community members, parents,
educators, and experts, the Community Advisory Board aims to ensure that the construction project aligns with the needs, values, and aspirations of the entire community.

The Community Advisory Board will serve as a bridge between the school district, construction management teams, and the wider community. Its key roles will include gathering community input, offering guidance on design and functionality, addressing concerns, reviewing plans, and providing ongoing feedback to ensure the project reflects the collective vision of the community.


The Community Advisory Board will consist of a diverse and representative group of stakeholders, including community leaders, parents, teachers, architects, construction experts, and other relevant parties. Meetings will be held regularly, fostering open dialogue and information sharing, and decisions will be made collaboratively with a focus on consensus-building.

Some of the key responsibilities will include:

  • Community Engagement: Soliciting input from various stakeholders through surveys, town hall meetings, and outreach programs to understand community priorities, concerns, and aspirations regarding the new elementary school.
  • Design and Planning: Collaborating with architects, engineers, and construction teams to review and provide feedback on design plans, ensuring they align with educational needs, safety standards, environmental considerations, and community preferences.
  • Communication and Transparency: Maintaining transparent communication channels between the construction team, school district, and the community. Regular updates, progress reports, and opportunities for public input will be facilitated by the Community Advisory Board.
  • Issue Resolution: Addressing concerns or conflicts that may arise during the construction process, serving as a liaison to mediate and find solutions that consider both community interests and project feasibility.


The establishment of a Community Advisory Board for the construction of the
new elementary school will result in several benefits:

  • Enhanced community engagement and ownership of the project.
  • Improved project outcomes through diverse perspectives and expertise.
  • Greater transparency and trust between stakeholders.
  • Timely resolution of issues, leading to smoother construction phases.

By establishing a Community Advisory Board, we aim to create a collaborative and inclusive approach to constructing the new elementary school. This will not only ensure the physical construction meets high standards but also fosters a sense of community pride and ownership in the educational infrastructure that will serve our children and future generations.

The engagement and involvement of diverse stakeholders through the Community Advisory Board will be pivotal in achieving a successful and community-centered construction project.


We're looking for dedicated community members who are passionate about education and the development of our neighborhood. We'd love to hear from residents with diverse backgrounds, including community leaders, parents, teachers, architects, construction experts, and others with relevant experience. We're also looking for those who are committed to attend periodic meetings, thoughtfully engage in discussions, and contribute constructively to the decision-making process.

The Community Advisory Board will influence the design, amenities, and functionality of the new school, provide crucial community feedback, and collaborate with stakeholders to create a welcoming and innovative learning environment.

If you'd like to be considered, please fill out the form below, including a brief statement outlining why you'd like to join the council. You are welcome to upload a copy of your resume to support your cause. Forms must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. on December 31, 2023.

Your participation will shape the future of education in our community. Let's build a school we can all be proud of, together.