February 2019


Date Event
2019-02-04 (Mon) Rescheduled Paint Party Bear Paw Activity [Barrett Elementary School]
2019-02-05 (Tue) 100th Day Celebrations [Barrett Elementary School]
2019-02-07 (Thu) PTO Meeting [Barrett Elementary School] — 6:00 pm
2019-02-11 (Mon) 'Random Act of Kindness' Mitten & Mint [Barrett Elementary School]
Power Up Lessons [Barrett Elementary School]
Memory Monday Activity [Barrett Elementary School]
2019-02-12 (Tue) 'Random Act of Kindness' Mitten & Mint [Barrett Elementary School]
Mitten & Mint Power Up Lessons [Barrett Elementary School]
2019-02-13 (Wed) 'Random Act of Kindness' Mitten & Mint [Barrett Elementary School]
2019-02-14 (Thu) 'Random Act of Kindness' Mitten & Mint [Barrett Elementary School]
2019-02-15 (Fri) 'Random Act of Kindness' Mitten & Mint [Barrett Elementary School]
Early Dismissal for Students [Barrett Elementary School]
2019-02-18 (Mon) Snow Make-up Day-​​​​​​​School in Session [Barrett Elementary School]
'Random Act of Kindness' Mitten & Mint [Barrett Elementary School]
Mitten & Mint Power Up Lessons [Barrett Elementary School]
2019-02-19 (Tue) Paws for Treats [Barrett Elementary School]
2019-02-21 (Thu) Queen of Hearts visits Kindergarten [Barrett Elementary School] — 1:00 pm
2019-02-22 (Fri) Progress Reports Distributed [Barrett Elementary School]
2019-02-25 (Mon) Hat Day (Hats off to Dr. Seuss) [Barrett Elementary School]
Yearbook Hoagie Sale Begins [Barrett Elementary School]
2019-02-26 (Tue) Silly Socks (Fox in Socks) [Barrett Elementary School]
Black  History Month  Living  Museum [Barrett Elementary School] — 1:00 pm
2019-02-27 (Wed) WACKY WEDNESDAY! [Barrett Elementary School]
2019-02-28 (Thu) Wacky Hair, Bow Tie or Necktie Day [Barrett Elementary School]